Thursday, August 31, 2006

August Photo Contest

The July photo contest has ended, with Stuart O. as the winner. I just finished putting up the August one, so click here to vote now!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Baby

This 3 month old little guy had a session yesterday. He was one of the most smiley and happy 3 month olds I've had in a long time!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Giving back

Some of you may have noticed the new banner on my site and the link to the right here, signifying that I am now an active member of the American Child Photographers Charity Guild. This is a non-profit, volunteer based organization of child photographers from all over the country who have come together to form a guild dedicated to children in need and their families. As volunteers for this organization, photographers across the country provide photographs and heirloom memories free of charge for families experiencing a critically ill child, extremely premature newborn, or early infant loss at any stage. We, as photographers, will supply the families with either a CD file of all photographs taken, and/or an album of 4x6 proofs. I am in the process of contacting local organizations to promote this service, but in the mean time if you know of anybody in need who fits the above circumstances, please either inform them or me about it so we can connect.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Another handsome guy!

Here's a couple from yesterday's session with this 5 year old cutie. Love his blue eyes!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Handsome Guy

Here are a couple I grabbed from yesterday's session. I so loved the look of this 4 year old boy's outfit with the tie. He was stylin!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Models Wanted!

I'm finally preparing my display for the Knitty Gritty Cafe, and realized I need a few more pictures. I have hand knit and/or crocheted items in the following sizes that I need models for:

4-6 month boy or girl
6-7 month boy (able to sit up)
6-9 month girl (able to sit up)

I will need to take these pictures sometime in the next week. If you're interested and have a baby in the above categories, please send me an email! ( It will only take 10 minutes or less for the shoot and I'll cut you a deal on the prints after they are displayed. ;)

Oh, if you have any bright, cool, hand knit or crocheted stuff for your own kids (that don't necessarily fit the above categories) that they could model, let me know about that too- I could always use more!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Fun Redhead

Yesterday's session was with another 1 year old, but a girl this time. I love her red hair and she made the cutest expressions! She had her fake smile for her daddy, and then this adorable scowl with lowered eyebrows which let us know when she was done with pictures. Here are a few with her natural smiles though.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

2 Handsome sailors and 1 beautiful girl

Here's a few from yesterday's session. I believe these clothes either belonged to their great grandma, or else she made them for the kids. Either way, I thought a vintage color treatment would be nice on the images. I think it suits them well.

Monday, August 21, 2006

3 years!

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of my first client photo session. It's so fun to see how far my my business has come in the past few years, and also how my photographic eye and general skills have grown! I can't wait to see what the next 3 years will bring, and even beyond that.
Oh, a few of you may remember that my business was originally called "Tera's Treasured Images". But after a couple months I realized that was a mouthfull and I didn't really love it, so I came up with Blessings. I'm so glad I changed it now.
To celebrate this special occasion, I'll share a couple images from that very first session!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Boy oh boy

Yesterday's session was with another busy one year old boy! Loved his big brown eyes, and great expressions!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Super Grover

We had a lot of fun taking the girls to see the Sesame Street Live show this morning. This was the 3rd time my husband and I have been to a SS Live show, but we knew B. would love it - and she did. She was amazed by all the characters and everytime one of them she knew left stage, she'd put her hands up and say, "Where's Ernie?" (or Elmo, or Big Bird, etc.) And then EVERY time they came back on stage she'd yell their names out. It was too cute! K. watched very intently and reenacted scenes when we got home. Here's a few pictures from our morning:

Friday, August 18, 2006

Today's cuties

I had the pleasure of photographing this gorgeous 3 month old girl and her very cute 2 year old big brother today. I love their big dark eyes!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Cool dude

Today's session was with this 3 year old guy and his little sister. We had fun discussing the Cars movie, his birthday, and of course that famous bug that lives in my camera!

Oh, I gotta add this photo that he took of me! I let him do this to get him warmed up to the idea of getting his pictures taken. And it worked - he snapped this 1 of me, and I got to snap a few dozen of him. ;) I'm impressed, the focus is great on this!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Deja Vu

Today I had a session with yet another 1 year old boy! Gotta love them though, they're so sweet. And they always give their mommys quite a workout!
Here's a couple from today:

And here he is a year ago:

Monday, August 14, 2006


I just got 3 new seamless paper backdrops, and quickly did some test shots on them with K. today. So they are: chestnut, crimson, and sand (otherwise known as brown, red, and yellow).

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Weekend work

When we made a trip up to my in-laws this weekend, I finally got the chance to visit the junkyard I have been eyeing for a long time! This place is just down the road from my in-law's house, and it's like a goldmine - well, at least from a photography standpoint. Texture and color everywhere! I brought B. there and was able to capture some good shots, and also got some in Grandpa & Grandma's yard.

And here's what else I worked on this weekend - grapes! We spent Saturday morning picking these and then Grandma and Great Grandma turned them into grape jelly. Mmmm.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Sweet six month old and sisters

Just a few quick ones from yesterday's and today's sessions!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My girl

K. and I played around a bit down in the studio during B.'s nap today. She usually jumps at the chance to get her pictures taken because I tell her princess stories while I'm snapping away, and she knows that she will get to pick something out of my treasure chest when we're all done. Today was no exception. She requested the story of The Little Mermaid, and when we were done she of course picked out the sheet of princess stickers from the treasure chest. She's all about the princesses! (Disclaimer: Yes, she does have a touch of gloss on her lips and cheeks for these pictures, but that was purely for fun. I don't usually recommend makeup on kids for their typical portrait sessions!) :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bro & Sis

I photographed this brother and sister duo last year, and was happy to have them come back today. The little girl loves to pose and have her picture taken. She had lots of ideas!
