Friday, April 28, 2006

Gift for me

I finally decided to order a new purse with pictures of BOTH my girls on it. I got the old one before B. was born and it has a different picture of K. on each side, from when she was about 20 months old. Everytime somebody stops to ask me about it (which happens pretty much every time I go out!) I had to explain that it was just pictures of the older daughter on it, when she was the age of my youngest now, and I need to get a new one with both on it. I was getting sick of explaining, so I finally ordered a new one. Now I can't to wait for it to get here!

Here are the pictures I put on it. I knew I wanted to use this one of B.:

But then I wanted a similar feel for K.'s picture. So I took this of her yesterday.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Computer woes

Usually my computer is my buddy - I spend a lot of time with it, way too much time in fact. But this week it has not been very nice to me. Started on Sunday night with the realization that my regularly scheduled backups to my external hard drive haven't been working for a good couple weeks or so. Find out that the cause for this is that there's a corrupt file on the external drive. After doing some research on the internet and talking to my computer geek hubby, we came to the conclusion that the only way to fix it is to format it and start fresh. Great, that means I have to backup everything that's on there onto CDs and DVDs. We're talking about 30,000 pictures plus other miscellaneous files. Yeah, I'm still working on that today.

Next, on Monday morning I get an email from my brother to my personal account, saying that the contact page on my website wasn't working- so he couldn't email my business account, he didn't know the address. Ok, fixed that- but feel really foolish because that means that for however long that page wasn't working- people had NO way of knowing how to contact me. Oooh, that's not good.

Next I get a call from my husband saying that he's trying to email me but it won't go through. Aha! That explains why I haven't received anything in my inbox since Friday! Ok, so I fixed that and then got prepared for the backup of calls and emails to come in. Received a few of those, a couple of which were requests for some birth announcement samples. So I go to open up my photo editing program (Adobe Photoshop), but it won't open! Oooh, that is definitely not good. I use that program for everything! After trying all day to get it up and running, i turns out I need to wait for a disk to arrive from the company and then reinstall it. I was hoping that I could download at least a temporary version of the software off the net to use until it arrives in a few days. No such luck on the full version, but I did find a very basic version, which is what I am using now. Not ideal at all, but hopefully it will get me through the next few days.

In retrospect, I really believe that all of this was God's way of forcing me to slow down a bit. Not being able to spend so much time working at my computer the past couple of days has really been a blessing. I'm actually surprised that my internet connection is still working, because that would've really slowed me down!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tiny baby, or maybe giant toothbrush...

I had some fun with this image from a session last week. I didn't have this planned at all when I took the shot. But I remembered seeing another photographer do this with an image, and since this little guy's Mommy is a dentist, I just had to try it! So after a run to Walmart to get the perfect toothbrush, a fresh tube of toothpaste, and some plain white floss, I got to play!

So this

Plus this

Equals this!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Furry Friends

Meet our gerbils, Suzy and Francine. I'm almost ashamed to say that these are the first pictures I've ever taken of them- and we've had them for almost 6 months. Truth is, I'm a little squeamish about them.

This is Suzy. She belongs to K. and she is the friendly one.

And this is Francine, B.'s little pet. She is more skittish and doesn't come out of hiding too often.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Lollipop, Lollipop

Just some fun shots of the girls from yesterday!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Furry pink chick

Here are my latest knitting projects. The scarf took me about 2 weeks to finish, because I was working on it during 2 very busy weeks for my business. The hat however, I managed to start and finish in one afternoon! Here's B. modeling for me. The hat is really too small for her, I'm hoping it will fit a 6 month old better.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter

After a very busy week, we had a great Easter yesterday. I took a few quick pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses before church. I was planning on doing a full session with them earlier in the week, but never got around to it. Turns out all we needed was about 5 minutes before we headed out the door to church.
In that time I managed to get a couple good ones of them together as well as some individuals.

And this is B. waiting for supper in her high chair. This is what happens when you're too busy playing at Grandma's house to take a nap. Yes, she fell asleep with the graham cracker still in her mouth. :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ahhh, fresh air!

This is the scene outside my patio door this afternoon. The kids (and the dog) are loving it! Excuse K.'s hair- it was wacky hair day at preschool!
