Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Silly scarf

After visiting The Knitty Gritty Cafe and seeing all kinds of cool knit things while getting this project together for them, I decided I wanted to learn how to knit myself. I picked up one of those "Knit This" kits at target, but after reading through the instruction booklet I realized it was a little out of my league and probably not a great first project. So I bought some different yarn and needles and with the help of the website, I taught myself the techniques and finished my first scarf in a little over a week. The knitting help website is great because it has videos of everything, and they are all shot from the perspective of the person doing the knitting. The scarf is far from perfect, it has a "unique" shape, some uneven stitching, any even had a couple holes - but I managed to patch those up. But I am proud of it! And I'll be starting another project right away. It's a very relaxing process for me, gets me away from the computer and work. Anyway, here is the scarf I finished last night, and photographed K. wearing it this afternoon.


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